Sunday, January 27, 2008

Personal Essay Topic

The topic that I have chosen to write about for my personal essay is when I almost lost my older brother in a serious car accident. I could never forget that day and all the emotions that I felt. This experience really changed me and gave me a whole new perspective.
I chose this topic because it really impacted my life and it's something that will stay with me forever. I was a freshman in high school and it really made me grow up fast.
I really haven't gone through the story in detail so I think by writing about it, it will really help me to process everything I was feeling. It happened really fast and i think I'll get a better understanding of everything what happened by writing this personal essay.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Writerly Roles

Writing really is used and essential in everday life. You don't really think about it until you save everything you write for even just a week. After collecting all my writing I was surprised to see how I wrote depending on who I was writing to. You really never think about it until you have it all right in front of you.

For example, I had saved comments between me and a friend on myspace. "Hey, how was dinner with your bf? lol Call me soon. ttyl" I think it's really interesting that my friends and I abbreviate so much all the time but still understand every word. I know several people that would look at that comment and not really understand what it meant. I've become really used to abbreviating so I'm hoping that I can break that habit.

Another example is the little notes I write to myself in my planner. "Survey Test (1,2,3)" This is to remind me of a Survey of Nursing Test that I will have over Chapters 1, 2, and 3. I think that most people wouldn't really understand what this meant. I kind of have my own little way of writing when I'm writing to myself. I think each person writes in a way that works for them and will help them remember what they wrote. Whether it's highlighting or, what i do, checking off things you have already done.

I also looked at emails I had sent to some of my professors. That style of writing is completely different from how I wrote to my friends or my family. My writing is more professional and to the point. I try to make the e-mails short and use proper grammar also.

This assignment really showed my how I write depending on who I'm writing to like a professor, a friend, or to myself. I also really never knew how much I write and I only collected my writing for a week!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Learning to write well

I believe that I can learn to write well because I'm confident that If I put the effort in improving my writing then I will become a better writer. I think that if you practice something enough then you will see results. I don't write that much on my own because I don't think that I write that well, but I know that I would write a lot more if I was confident in my writing. I love to write poems and short stories but I feel that when I could use help writing essays. Ballenger stated that one strategy when writing is "Make the familiar strange." I thought this was very helpful and a good strategy to use. What he means when saying this is to look at something from different perspectives and in a differnt way. For example, taking a picture of something familiar several times and from different angles. This would help make your writing interesting and different. I know that I'm a little uncomfortable when I write because I feel like it isn't very good. I just need to be more relaxed and more secure with my writing and the only way to do that is practice a lot. I also thought it was interesting when Ballenger stated "not to record what I already knew about a subject, but to discover what I actually thought." This new way to use writing made it seem more appealing to me. Writing isn't just a way to write down things you already know but to discover things you didn't even thought you knew. In general people are scared of rejection or humiliation and I think that's why writing is so hard for some people. I don't feel like I write that well so it's harder for me to write, but like I've stated before with enough practice I will be more confident and comforable when writing.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Hey! I'm Cristina Flores and I'm a nursing major from Granbury, Tx. It's not a very big town but it is growing fast! This is my first year at TCU and I'm loving every second of it! I've met a lot of awesome people so far and I'm excited to see what is to come. I really enjoy playing soccer and watching almost any kind of sport. The Dallas Mavericks and Green Bay Packers are my two favorite sports teams. I also have to admit that I'm a reality TV addict. I love American Idol and almost every reality show they come up with nowadays. I also watch Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl and more.

I'm taking this course because it is required but I think it can really help me and benefit me in many ways. I really hope to improve my grammar and writing. I usually do a lot of texting and emailing and, of course, messaging on facebook. Most of the writing I do is in my classes when I'm taking notes. I feel that my writing could use improvement and I think I've become a little too used to abbreviating, but I'm pretty content with my writing. I've always wanted to keep a journal and write in it daily. I think it's good thearpy and helps you to write a lot of the emotions you're feeling. I've tried to write in a journal in the past but I really could never keep up with it.

I've always enjoyed writing persuasive essays because it's easy to write something that I believe in. I really like writing short stories and poems because I can really use my imagaination to come up with the story. My mom has really had a great influence on the write because she's always been such a good writer and has helped me many times. She is very good at making things flow and coherent to anyone.

My favorite teachers in high school were my english teachers. They really improved my writing a lot and taught me certain strategies to use. They told me to have someone else read my essay like a friend or parent to catch errors and tell you what doesn't sound right. It might sound right to you but not to someone else. They also told me to read my paper to someone and it helps to hear what you wrote. The hardest thing about writing for me is getting started. It's always difficult for me to write my introduction, but it's easier once I get started. Writing is very important because I think it really helps somone to express themselves and shows a lot about a person.

I think I have an equal amount of strengths and weaknesses but definetley nothing that doesn't need improvement. I really hope to improve in how I flow when I write and make my writing coherent to anyone who reads it.

I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the course syllabus.