Thursday, January 17, 2008

Learning to write well

I believe that I can learn to write well because I'm confident that If I put the effort in improving my writing then I will become a better writer. I think that if you practice something enough then you will see results. I don't write that much on my own because I don't think that I write that well, but I know that I would write a lot more if I was confident in my writing. I love to write poems and short stories but I feel that when I could use help writing essays. Ballenger stated that one strategy when writing is "Make the familiar strange." I thought this was very helpful and a good strategy to use. What he means when saying this is to look at something from different perspectives and in a differnt way. For example, taking a picture of something familiar several times and from different angles. This would help make your writing interesting and different. I know that I'm a little uncomfortable when I write because I feel like it isn't very good. I just need to be more relaxed and more secure with my writing and the only way to do that is practice a lot. I also thought it was interesting when Ballenger stated "not to record what I already knew about a subject, but to discover what I actually thought." This new way to use writing made it seem more appealing to me. Writing isn't just a way to write down things you already know but to discover things you didn't even thought you knew. In general people are scared of rejection or humiliation and I think that's why writing is so hard for some people. I don't feel like I write that well so it's harder for me to write, but like I've stated before with enough practice I will be more confident and comforable when writing.

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