Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Writerly Roles

Writing really is used and essential in everday life. You don't really think about it until you save everything you write for even just a week. After collecting all my writing I was surprised to see how I wrote depending on who I was writing to. You really never think about it until you have it all right in front of you.

For example, I had saved comments between me and a friend on myspace. "Hey, how was dinner with your bf? lol Call me soon. ttyl" I think it's really interesting that my friends and I abbreviate so much all the time but still understand every word. I know several people that would look at that comment and not really understand what it meant. I've become really used to abbreviating so I'm hoping that I can break that habit.

Another example is the little notes I write to myself in my planner. "Survey Test (1,2,3)" This is to remind me of a Survey of Nursing Test that I will have over Chapters 1, 2, and 3. I think that most people wouldn't really understand what this meant. I kind of have my own little way of writing when I'm writing to myself. I think each person writes in a way that works for them and will help them remember what they wrote. Whether it's highlighting or, what i do, checking off things you have already done.

I also looked at emails I had sent to some of my professors. That style of writing is completely different from how I wrote to my friends or my family. My writing is more professional and to the point. I try to make the e-mails short and use proper grammar also.

This assignment really showed my how I write depending on who I'm writing to like a professor, a friend, or to myself. I also really never knew how much I write and I only collected my writing for a week!

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