Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Hey! I'm Cristina Flores and I'm a nursing major from Granbury, Tx. It's not a very big town but it is growing fast! This is my first year at TCU and I'm loving every second of it! I've met a lot of awesome people so far and I'm excited to see what is to come. I really enjoy playing soccer and watching almost any kind of sport. The Dallas Mavericks and Green Bay Packers are my two favorite sports teams. I also have to admit that I'm a reality TV addict. I love American Idol and almost every reality show they come up with nowadays. I also watch Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl and more.

I'm taking this course because it is required but I think it can really help me and benefit me in many ways. I really hope to improve my grammar and writing. I usually do a lot of texting and emailing and, of course, messaging on facebook. Most of the writing I do is in my classes when I'm taking notes. I feel that my writing could use improvement and I think I've become a little too used to abbreviating, but I'm pretty content with my writing. I've always wanted to keep a journal and write in it daily. I think it's good thearpy and helps you to write a lot of the emotions you're feeling. I've tried to write in a journal in the past but I really could never keep up with it.

I've always enjoyed writing persuasive essays because it's easy to write something that I believe in. I really like writing short stories and poems because I can really use my imagaination to come up with the story. My mom has really had a great influence on the write because she's always been such a good writer and has helped me many times. She is very good at making things flow and coherent to anyone.

My favorite teachers in high school were my english teachers. They really improved my writing a lot and taught me certain strategies to use. They told me to have someone else read my essay like a friend or parent to catch errors and tell you what doesn't sound right. It might sound right to you but not to someone else. They also told me to read my paper to someone and it helps to hear what you wrote. The hardest thing about writing for me is getting started. It's always difficult for me to write my introduction, but it's easier once I get started. Writing is very important because I think it really helps somone to express themselves and shows a lot about a person.

I think I have an equal amount of strengths and weaknesses but definetley nothing that doesn't need improvement. I really hope to improve in how I flow when I write and make my writing coherent to anyone who reads it.

I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the course syllabus.

1 comment:

April Patrick said...

I agree that journaling can be great therapy but is also difficult to keep up with; I've struggled with that for years. It sounds like you have some great background with and strategies for writing already, which will help you in further developing your writing skills. We'll certainly work on strategies for writing introductory material because it's an area where many writers struggle. I'm really looking forward to having you in class.