Thursday, February 14, 2008


At first I was a little confused about how to begin my research. It was difficult for me to figure out which key words that I should use so that I could get useful results. After figuring that out, I really thought the articles I found were very helpful. They seemed to be exactly what I needed. I had to change my search several times because I was getting articles that related to my topic. After I changed it a couple times I found articles that related to my topic. I thought that the most helpful was the Academic Search Complete, but I also found articles from Infotrac Newspapers and Google. I think that these search engines will really help me get information for my essay. I would tell anyone that was going to use these search engines that it might be difficult at first but that you will get used to it. Also, you can't be too picky on what keywords to use when you search. You should try several times with different words to find the results you need.

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